Regional parks and attractions, Disney, Universal, and more.

Gran Destino Tower Opens at Walt Disney World

Gran Destino Tower Opens at Walt Disney World

The Gran Destino Tower at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort officially opens on Tuesday, July 9th and it’s visually stunning. On July 8th the resort was open to media previews and Attractions Magazine shared this clip on YouTube:

The tower is named after the animated film Destino, a surrealistic short film that was initially a collaboration between Walt Disney and Spanish artist Salvador Dali in 1945. It was shelved, but released in 2003. The 15-story tower adds 545 guest rooms and one restaurant to Coronado Springs. Disney also will open another restaurant in the middle of the lake (Lago Dorado).

Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Opening December 5th at WDW

Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Opening December 5th at WDW

Busch Gardens Williamsburg Gets Approval for 355-foot Attraction

Busch Gardens Williamsburg Gets Approval for 355-foot Attraction